Kayak Team


Who we are:

DRD4 is a team of five kayakers who have a passion fort his sport – exactely this passion and the love of being in touch with nature are the reasons why we got together.

DRD4 consists of various levels: there are semi-professional riders and absolute beginners.

The main reason why we founded our team was because of our friendship and our aim is to give others an understanding of kayaking and to make them tempting for it. Furthermore, we want to show our computer-driven generation what exciting and adventurous stories can be told outside the big cities.

Thank you for visiting our webpage and for being interested in what we do!


Your DRD4-team!

unser Team:

Daniel Klotzner

Axel Brunoni

Luca Dapra

Matthias Deutsch

Thomas Waldner

Caroline Goodall

Felix Pirhofer

Hartmann Stragenegg

Andrea d’Angella

Walter Locher

Luca Martin

Dorothea Oberhofer

Rebekka Walter

Valentina Steck

Melanie Kobald

Birgit Pföstl

Sarah Oberhofer

Raphaela Oberhofer

Lena Kobald